Wood Joensuu

Drivers for Wood Construction 2023 event 15.-16.5.2023

The second international Drivers for Wood Construction event will be held in Joensuu
15.-16.5.2023 with the theme
Holistic Approach Towards Sustainable Wood Construction.

The seminar day on 15th of May will offer insights to ongoing development in the field in Finnish, European and global context. Second day on 16th will be dedicated for the excursions to the construction sites and implemented projects in Joensuu Region.

The previous Drivers for Wood Construction event was held in September 2019. It brought together over 180 wood construction professionals from 12 countries. See the aftermovie of the event.



Drivers of Wood Construction 2023 event organized by the Karelia University of Applied Sciences in cooperation with Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland and European Forest Institute.



Main Partners and Sponsor

Ministry of the Environment,  Wood Building Programme

Puuinfo Ltd.

RothoBlaas SRL

City of Joensuu

Programme 15.5.2023 – Seminar

Joensuun Tiedepuisto (Louhela-hall/Temple of Challenge)
Länsikatu 15, 80110 Joensuu





8:00 – 9:00 (main lobby)

Registration and Coffee

9:00 – 9:20 (Louhela-auditorium)

Opening words

Petri Raivo, President, Karelia University of Applied Sciences

Robert Mavsar, Deputy Director, European Forest Institute


9:20 – 12:00 (Louhela-auditorium)

Low Carbon Future with Wood

– Current Development in Finnish, European and Global Context


Moderator: Petri Heino, Program Manager, Ministry of the Environment



Key-Note: The State of Tall Timber in 2023, and its Future Potential

Daniel Safarik, Director Research and Thought Leadership
Council on Tall Buildings and Urban Habitat



From Tradition to Sustainable Wood Construction

Daishi Sakaguchi, Professor
Nihon Fukushi University



Circular Economy of Wood Construction

Hermann Huber, Professor / Lena Seiwald, Junior Researcher / Lukas Seidl, Junior Researcher
Salzburg University of Applied Sciences



Climate change mitigation potential of wood construction: The big picture

Elias Hurmekoski, Academy Research Fellow
University of Helsinki



Panel discussion – Low Carbon Future with Wood

Moderator: Erkki Verkasalo, Research Professor, Natural Resources Institute Finland


12:00 – 13:00


Parallel session 1


13:00 – 14:45 (Louhela-auditorium)

Sustainability in Material & Design Considerations

– Wood Material Research & Innovations


Moderator: Antti Haapala, Professor, University of Eastern Finland



Key Note: Climate Benefits of Long-Lasting Wood Products in Construction Applications

Ilkka Leinonen, Research Professor
Natural Resources Institute Finland



From Circularity, For Circularity:
Reusing Salvaged Wood in Structural Application

Farid Vafadar, Doctoral Researcher
Aalto University



Biobased Sustainable Adhesive System for Wood Products Industry

Anuj Kumar, Senior Scientist
Natural Resources Institute Finland



Upscaling of Construction with Waste Wood –
A Mass Production Approach

Miikka Kotilainen, CEO/Founder
Hiil Ltd


Parallel session 2


13:00 – 14:45 (Temple of Challenge)

High Performance Wood Construction

– BIM in Design Process


Moderator: Ossi Laakkonen, Project Manager, Karelia University of Applied Sciences



Key-Note: How to Facilitate Industrial Process Through BIM

Sebastian Hollerman, Professor / Tanja Schaa, Research associate
Jade University of Applied Sciences



Digital Transformation of the Building Sector

Toni Teittinen, Development Manager
Gravicon Ltd



A Virtual Wood Construction

Gregor Grunwald, Professor
Jade University of Applied Sciences



From BIM-model to a Product

Timo Pennanen, Production Manager
Punkaharjun Puutaito Ltd



14:45 – 15:15


Parallel session 1


15:15 -17:00 (Louhela-auditorium)

Sustainability in Material & Design Considerations

– Sustainability in Architectural Design & Planning


Moderator: Diana Tuomasjukka, Head of Bioeconomy Programme, European Forest Institute



Key-Note: Sustainability in City Planning and Architecture – Design Considerations

Kimmo Lylykangas, Professor
TalTech University



Sustainability Index for Climate Wise Construction

Shammi Keya, Project Researcher
Karelia University of Applied Sciences



Circularity in Architectural Design

Sina Hage, Researcher / Sharina Alves, Research Assistant
Jade University of Applied Sciences



Pathway Towards Achieving Carbon Neutrality in Joensuu – Examples from Land-use Planning

Patrik Hämäläinen, Land Use Planner
City of Joensuu


Parallel session 2


15:15 – 16:30 (Temple of Challenge)

High Performance Wood Construction

– From Theory to Practice


Moderator: Pauli Paintola, Technical Sales, Rothoblaas srl


15:15 – 15:45

Mass Timber Acoustics and Applications  

Pauli Paintola, Technical Sales, Rothoblaas srl


15:45 – 16:30

From Forest to Skyline: Exploring the Future of wood engineering and High-Rise Wooden Buildings

Sivert Knutsen, Technical Consultant, Rothoblaas srl


17:00 – 17:20  

Closing Remarks with light refreshments


 Seminar Dinner at City Hall



Programme 16.5.2023 – Building tour

For your notice: For the building tour there are places for 30 persons and places are filled according to registration order. Own safety equipment, including helmet; safety shoes; yellow west and safety goggles, are mandatory for site visits.



Wooden restaurant building

Wooden (CLT) restaurant building
Pohjois-Karjalan Martat ry / Pohjois-Karjalan Marttapalvelut oy



Kauppahalli Joensuu

Wooden restaurant building
Pohjois-Karjalan Osuuskauppa



Joensuu Lighthouse

14 storey wooden (LVL/CLT) apartment building
Opiskelija-asunnot Oy Joensuun Elli





Luovi vocational gollege campus

Wood-concrete hybrid school building under construction
Ammattiopisto Luovi



Meteorite / UFO / Usva houses

Wooden (CLT) guest house, tiny home, and private house by Ateljé Sotamaa
Field Studies Oy