Wood Joensuu

Insights for DWC 2023 – Part 6

This year, the DWC 2023 event will bring together notable speakers who are able to deliver powerful message related to use of wood, sustainability, circularity in building construction sector and city planning in a way that will ensure the event creates significant impact in this era of climate change mitigation strategies.

Learn more about our speakers from different sessions and their insights below.


Session 1 – Low Carbon Future with Wood

From Tradition to Sustainable Wood Construction

Currently, wood buildings are being utilized in various scales and for various purposes, especially in Europe. This is because there are many benefits to using wood in architecture, including environmental aspects and human comfort such as wellness and well being. In Japan, wooden structures have long been used in temples and shrines traditionally. On the other hand, with the rise of artificial materials such as concrete and steel, wood was no longer utilized. As the current situation, trees planted after World War II have grown up, and many forests are reaching the optimum age for sawn timber. From this background, mid-high rise wood construction is spotlighted and attracting attention as a way to utilize the abundant forest resources. The presentation will aim to provide the hints and discuss how a carbon-neutral and sustainable society can be realized through wood construction.

See the full presentation:



About the speaker

Daishi Sakaguchi received PhD. from Nagoya Institute of Technology and is a first-class architect. After working as an assistant professor at Nihon Fukushi University, he is currently an associate professor at Nihon Fukushi University and a visiting associate professor at Advanced Disaster Prevention Engineering Center of Nagoya Institute of Technology. Daishi has been researching a variety of topics of wood construction and designing different types of buildings, especially wood architecture. Daishi’s research focuses on from mid to large scale wood architectural design and planning and the creativity and psychological and physiological effects of wood interior design. He is also engaged in environmental architecture initiatives including circular economy and cascade use of wood. He aims to act “glocally (global and local)” in education, research, and design activities to build a sustainable society through the linkage between forests and cities.




The second international Drivers for Wood Construction event will be held in Joensuu 15.-16.5.2023 with the theme Holistic Approach Towards Sustainable Wood Construction.


Drivers of Wood Construction 2023 event organized by the Karelia University of Applied Sciences
in cooperation with Natural Resources Institute Finland, University of Eastern Finland and European Forest Institute.


 Main Partners and Sponsor

Ministry of the Environment,  Wood Building Programme

Puuinfo Ltd.

RothoBlaas SRL

City of Joensuu